Willa Workshops
Escape inTo YoUr CreativiTY
Discover the joy of creating art that calms your mind, sparks your creativity, and makes you happy—no experience required.
If you’ve ever thought, “I’m not an artist,” or worried that your art isn’t “good enough,” let’s put that idea to rest right now. You don’t have to be “good” at art to experience its magic. Here’s the truth:
Art is for everyone. Yes, even you.
At Willa Workshops, I’m not here to teach you how to become a world-famous artist with your work in museums (but hey, if that’s your dream, I’ll be your biggest cheerleader!). Instead, I’m here to help you tap into something deeper:
The calm that comes from working with your hands.
The joy of experimenting with color, texture, and design.
The freedom to create without judgment or pressure.
Art Doesn’t Need Perfection—It Just Needs You!

Give Yourself a Gift: Just Make Art FoR FuN & FLoW
Art isn’t just for galleries— it’s for YOU.
If you’ve ever craved peace, calm, or a little joy, the process of making art can bring it all. Creating soothes your mind, eases stress, and unlocks energy you didn’t know you had.
Let me help you find your flow—no perfection required.

For decades, I’ve made art—not for perfection, but because it makes me happy. Science backs this up: creating with your hands helps calm your nervous system, reduce stress, and boost your well-being. Whether you’re a total beginner or a seasoned creative, you’ll love the courses at Willa Workshops.
Most women are spending an inordinate amount of their time (this is my guess) pursuing things that have nothing to do with their own fulfillment. They’re spending their time doing things that they believe they need to do in order to be loved, because society tells them that they should look and be a certain way in order to be loved. And it’s so untrue.
PerFeCTion iSN’T ReqUired. BuT StarTinG Is.
These days, I’m passionate about not only making art, but also developing educational and inspiring online classes that you’ll fall in love with. If you’ve ever thought, “I could never make something like that,” let me show you just how wrong you are! You’ll surprise yourself with what you’re capable of when you take the first step.
Check out my Online Classes Below – There’s One Just Right for You!
Hi! I’m WeNdY SoLgaNiK (WiLla WaNdeRs)
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About why StuDentS LOVE Willa WorKsHoPs
Hi Wendy. I’m new to your fan club and want to introduce myself . . . You’re one of my art heroes and I kind of feel a kinship with you although we’ve never met. I didn’t really understand what a mixed media artist does until I found some of your work on Pinterest and began to explore your website and the work of other artists that you find inspirational. It has really helped me to look at my long history of making things in a different light. I’ve always been sort of disappointed in myself for having difficulty sticking to just one area of interest; my list of hobbies is long and varied and I find it difficult to resist a deep dive into something new that intrigues me. Now I’m starting to see how all of these seemingly disparate interests can intersect and meld into a more cohesive expression of who am I am what I want to share with the world. Thank you for the encouragement, positivity, and inspiration you’re sharing.
— Joan