Make MORE ART with These Simple Mindset Shifts

More art, less guilt!

Making things with your hands, like art or craft, is a guaranteed way to calm an overstimulated nervous system. How do I know this? Because it works for me personally and I’ve seen the scientific studies.

But many people are still feeling guilty about taking time out of their busy lives to make stuff that they are drawn to making. Maybe you want to knit or crochet, maybe you want to play with watercolor or acrylic paint . . . it could be anything at all . . . and too many of us just don’t do it even though it is so good for humans!

I know that so many of us have been conditioned to think that making art and creating things with no commercial value are a waste of our time, but this stinkin' thinkin' has been debunked!

The reasons that many of us are stopped in our tracks and prevented from making any art at all seem to fall into these three categories:

1. Social conditioning that tells us that if the art isn't going to be for sale or won't sell, that it isn't worth creating and has absolutely no value (this is utter b.s.-let me prove it!)

2. Self-doubt. Because we don't feel like we can make the art that we would like to make (perfectionistic thinking), or that we don't even know where to begin (we are just starting out) we don't make any art at all. Let me tell you how to over come this resistence.

3. Time Constraints: Feeling like you have too much other more important stuff to do and that you cannot possibly carve out time for your own self-care and art or craft making. Is this really how you want to live your life? Not enjoying the things that you love?

In this YouTube video, I talk you through why you should make as much art as possible even if you have no desire to sell any of it! Watch as I talk through my experience with these thoughts as I doodle over a watercolor folk art pattern in my Willa Journal art journal.

DISCLAIMER: This video is not medical advice.


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