Willa’s Resources
Are you looking for your art friends to keep you company while you create away in your space? Never feel lonely again!
Take a deep dive into what’s happening at Willa Workshops by listening to the podcast, watching YouTube videos, reading the blog, and everything else that’s FREE at Willa Workshops, all in one convenient place!
WiLla Wanders’ Insiders
SUBSCRIBE HERE to Get Exclusive Creative Inspiration Straight to Your Inbox!
Sign up to receive the Inside Scoop on all things Willa Wanders + Workshops, PLUS get my free Mixed Media Madness Mother Board Project instructional.
Whether you’re a seasoned artist or just getting started, this is where creativity begins. Think of the Willa Wander’s Insiders as your personal connection with me where I let you know about new projects, inspiration, and exciting updates you won’t want to miss.
Register for our FREE phone photography and editing webinar for artists! (Instant access.)
Free Printables!
Nine pages of printable words with the theme of PEACE for use in mixed media art projects.
One sheet of printable art for your mixed media art projects. Designed to be framed as is or ripped and torn and incorporated into your own art pieces and art journals.
Creating a mixed media master sheet is the fun and easy way to create abstract mixed media background art that is perfect for handmade card creation, Artist Trading Cards, postcards, Rolodex Cards, etc.
Unleash your creativity with my top 5 tips for adding imperfect but awesome hand lettering to your art journals and mixed media projects!